The branch of medicine that studies the acute and chronic diseases that are treated by means of surgical method is surgery. Highly qualified specialists in Ashtarak medical center will hold diagnose within a short time. Surgical department of our medical center is full of high medical technologies that allow to make transactions vysokgo quality without any side effects.
In our surgical department we offer you the following services:
- Appendectomy
- Inguinal and femoral hernias
- Radical inguinal hernia and hip surgery
- Radical cure of Umbilical hernia
- Radical surgery of Ventral hernia
- Radical surgery for esophagus hernia
- Partial surgery of stomach
- Full surgery of stomach
- Different kinds of vagotome
- Splenectomy
- Echinococcus
- Surgery of liver
- Cholecystitis
- Biliodigestive anastomose
- Enterolith
- Burns of different surfaces
- Colostomy
- Extirpation of straight gut
- Hemikolektomie
- Hemorrhoidectomy
- Hemoroid